We are a Nationally Recognized PLTW Distinguished School and Certified PLTW Engineering Program
Congratulations to Poway High School’s Engineering Academy for being honored nationally as a PLTW Distinguished School for the 2019-2020 school year! This is the Engineering Academy's second year in a row to receive this honor! Poway High is one of just 143 high schools in the country to be recognized as a PLTW Distinguished School!
The Poway High School Engineering
Academy and Pathway allows 9-12 grade
students to take Engineering Academy courses for college or university credit side-by-side with an
after school Robotics or Science Olympiad course. There are three areas of focus in the Academy and Pathway, namely, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Architecture, and Computer Engineering. Students
interested in this exploratory route can enroll in an engineering
course as long as they meet prerequisites. The Academy and Pathway are open to all
students to explore potential career fields while becoming college
ready and receiving college credits (See College Credit). Students interested in Robotics and Science Olympiad are
encouraged to take Engineering Academy and Pathway courses. For more
information, contact counseling at Poway High School.
Featured on https://www.engineerstribune.com at https://www.engineerstribune.com/the-poway-high-school-engineering-academy-and-pathway/
Note: All Engineering Academy and Pathway courses are dual College/University enrollment through PLTW for college credit with Rochester Institute of Technology; similar to Advanced Placement (AP). The foundational courses are also articulated with Palomar College. Students can earn transferable college credit through these institutions toward their engineering major. (See College Credit)
NEW! AP + PLTW: AP + PLTW gives students the opportunity to earn a credential that showcases their readiness for college and career, and demonstrates their STEM skills and interests to colleges and employers. The program will also provide students with special access to career-oriented opportunities like internships and &scholarships. More than 1,300 students received the AP + PLTW Student Achievement in its inaugural year. (For more info see College Credit, https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap/the-ap-experience/ap-project-lead-the-way, https://www.pltw.org/our-programs/ap-pltw or https://www.apandpltw.org/)
New Cool! – Wood Shop, Metal Shop, Electronics, Coding and Robotics, all in one! – For Girls and Boys!
Like the movie October Sky, engineering is an exciting field for both girls
and boys who want to create new innovations every day. Engineering
Academy and Pathway students will be expected to fabricate products and become
proficient in programming robots (microcontrollers) in C++. Students will become proficient in industry CAD and modeling
software such as Creo (formerly Pro-Engineer), Inventor and Revit. Students will learn to design products that are mock-ups and that actually work, such as cars, toys, houses and robots to name a few. They will learn the science and math behind the application
of their engineering projects in order to understand and make them
work. Students will
fabricate parts using
mills, lathes, laser engravers/cutters, industrial 3D Printers, and CNC (Computer Numeric
Control) machines. They
will have the opportunity to work with industry partner mentors and
be part of a Robotics or Science Olympiad team. Check out the “New
Cool: A
Visionary Teacher, His FIRST Robotics Team, and the Ultimate Battle
of Smarts” by Neal Bascomb. (For more information, see http://nealbascomb.com/first/ncool1.htm)
“If we’re going to out-innovate and out-educate the rest of the world, we’ve got to open doors for everyone. We need all hands on deck, and that means clearing hurdles for women and girls as they navigate careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.”
- First Lady Michelle Obama, September 26, 2011
Hidden Figures: Inspiring STEM heroes for girls. A Hit with young women of color interested in STEM. "...a film that depicts the true story of the African-American mathematician Katherine Johnson and her two colleagues, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson. These women, and many others, worked in the segregated West Area Computers, a division of Langley Research Center, as part of NASA during the Space Race against Russia. Their work directly contributed to John Glenn becoming the first American astronaut to make three complete orbits of the Earth. Check out https://techcrunch.com/2017/01/13/hidden-figures-inspiring-stem-heroes-for-girls/
Envision is a free all-day conference held at UCSD that exposes high school girls to career possibilities in science and technology. Check out http://ucsdenvision.wixsite.com/envision
Engineering Academy and Pathway for All Students (Choose Pathway or Academy)
The Poway
Engineering Academy/Pathway is located at Poway High School
(PHS) in Poway, California and open to all students. The Engineering Pathway was founded in
2013, with the Academy opening it's doors in the Fall of 2015. In the Spring of 2016 the Academy and Pathway became a certified PLTW pre-engineering certified program for college credit, consisting of a comprehensive
series of courses designed for high school students who have an
interest in the field of engineering. There are three areas of focus in the Academy/Pathway, namely, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Architecture, and Computer Engineering. The Engineering
Academy/Pathway is open to all students in the Poway Unified School
District (PUSD). Students interested in participating in the
Engineering Academy/Pathway must either currently attend PHS or
submit a request to transfer to PHS.
"The Academy" is a four
year program with PHS academic distinction, which incorporates an
internship and the opportunity to work one-on-one with professional
mentors through Robotics or Science Olympiad. "The Pathway"
is the same series of courses that can be pursued in any order or
quantity without distinction. This website is designed to
provide details about the field of engineering, and to layout the
Engineering Academy/Pathway courses and sequencing for students interested
in the program.
What is the Engineering Academy?
The PHS Engineering Academy represents a course
sequencing that addresses the educational needs of students planning
on a post- high school educational program in a two or four year
college that leads to a career in an engineering field.
The Engineering Academy offers students the opportunity to
explore potential engineering career paths and to prepare them for
college. The Engineering Academy is for any
student grades 9-12 in PUSD that is contemplating a career in
Engineering. Students who wish to enroll in the
Engineering Academy must complete the application process.
Application forms are available from the school site
counseling department or from the PHS website. Students who
complete the required coursework will receive an “Engineering
Academy Certificate of Completion” recognition. This is a
prestigious honor only given to graduates of the Engineering Academy
that can be mentioned on a college application and resume. To
receive this recognition, students must earn a “C” grade or better
in each engineering course. Students who decide to
move from the Engineering Academy to the Engineering Pathway (see
below), may request to do so at any time during their four years in
high school.
2 Majoring in Computer Science
1 Majoring in Architecture
3 Majoring in Business
1 Declined to report
What is the Engineering Pathway?
The PHS Engineering Pathway allows 9-12 grade
students to take any course within the Academy without committing to
the application. Students interested in this
exploratory route can enroll in any engineering course for any
semester without making a commitment to the Engineering Academy.
If this route is selected, there will be no
“Engineering Academy Certificate of Completion” recognition earned.
The Pathway provides the opportunity for students to join
the Engineering Academy at a future date as long as there is time to
complete the required coursework.
Business / Industry Partnerships
The PHS Engineering Academy and Robotics Team
is partnered with Northrop Grumman, Cubic and PLTW as founding sponsors.
Additionally there is an annual advisory council where industry
partners make recommendations to the Engineering Academy to bring
curriculum, equipment and software up to current industry standards. Currently we have over 20 sponsors who have made a commitment to
the Engineering Academy and Robotics Team: GitLab / TUV SUD America / Evolution Controls Inc. / ViaSat / BAE Systems / Qualcomm / Bayer Fund / DoDSTEM / Northrop Grumman / Palomar Technologies / Leidos / SES Secure E-Waste Solutions / Lockheed Martin / Clippard / City of Poway / INCOSE / PTC / Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems / Brain Corp / General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. / General Atomics Sciences Education Foundation / TechFlow / Senior Aerospace && Poway High and PUSD.
If you are interested in sponsoring the Poway High School Engineering Academy / Pathway or Robotics Team, please contact coordinator Rodger Dohm at rdohm@powayusd.com.
Founding Sponsors:
Business Partners:
from over 200 providers:
(Go to http://www.firstinspires.org/scholarships, http://www.roboticseducation.org/competition-teams/scholarships/, and https://www.pltw.org/experience-pltw/student-opportunities)
(College Credit,
Admission Preference and STEM Scholarships for Engineering Academy